Emitra Main exam Reschedule details - ई मित्र मुख्य परीक्षा पुनर्निर्धारित विवरण- इ मित्र धारक अपना नाम सूचि में ढूंढने के लिए एलएसपी के अनुसार नाम ढूंढे - सूची डाउनलोड करे - डाउनलोड
Step 6:-Right click on the "KioskUpdateSetup v2.3.rar" and choose extract to "KioskUpdateSetup v2.3.rar\ option" and setup will be extracted in the "KioskUpdateSetup v2.3.rar" folder
स्टेप 6 - KioskSetup v2.3.rar पर राईट क्लिक करे और extract to "KioskUpdateSetup v2.3.rar\ option" पर क्लिक करे और खोले
in 'Downloads'
Step 7:- Go in "KioskUpdateSetup v2.3.rar folder"--> click on "ServerUpdate.bat" file.(A cmd will run and close automatically after few
स्टेप 7 - KioskUpdateSetup v2.3 फोल्डर को खोले ->ServerUpdate.bat फाइल को रन करे ये फाइल कुछ समय चलकर आटोमेटिक / स्वतः बंद हो जायेगा
Step 8:-Please Install " LastMilePay " application in the downloaded folded manually for getting Bio-metric services easily .
स्टेप 8 - LastMilePay सॉफ्टवेर इनस्टॉल करे ताकि बायोमेट्रिक सर्विस का उपयोग किया जा सके|
Step 9 - Please Install SGIRD_WIN32_10027.exe Application in the download folder manually for getting - Secugen Device Service Ready.
निम्न चरणों को पूरा करे यदि मशीन में पहले से इ मित्र प्लस का सेटअप का इनस्टॉल नही है तो
Step 6:-Right click on the "KioskSetup v2.3.rar" and choose extract to "KioskSetup v2.3\ option" and setup will be extracted in the "KioskSetup v2.3" folder
स्टेप 5 - KioskSetup v2.3.rar पर राईट क्लिक करे और extract to "KioskSetup v2.3\ option" पर क्लिक करे
in 'Downloads'
Step 7:- Go in "KioskSetup v2.3 folder"--> Go in "KioskSetup" folder --> click on "Kiosk.bat" file.(A cmd will run and close automatically after few
स्टेप 6 - KioskSetup v2.3 फोल्डर को खोले -> KioskSetup फोल्डर खोले -> Kiosk.bat फाइल को रन करे ये फाइल कुछ समय चलकर आटोमेटिक / स्वतः बंद हो जायेगा
Step 8:-Please Install " LastMilePay " application in the downloaded folded manually for getting Bio-metric services easily .
स्टेप 8 - LastMilePay सॉफ्टवेर इनस्टॉल करे ताकि बायोमेट्रिक सर्विस का उपयोग किया जा सके|
functionalities in Emitra+ Version (Ver2.3)
vIn Ver 2.3, consumers can use the Aadhaar Pay (powered by
DigitSecure) Payment mode i.e Payment mode using Fingerprint Scanner. But for
that Emitra+ kiosk operators have to install LastMilePay Application that have
been shared with you.
Note :- Emitra+ kiosk
operators having Econnect machines will have to contact Chirag [Mob no
8005901511] to get an additional application “SGIRD_WIN32_10027.exe” installed on their machines to use Aadhaar Pay (powered by
DigitSecure) Payment mode i.e Payment mode using Fingerprint Scanner.
v“View Grievance Status” service has been added.
vVer2.3 will also check whether the updated version is installed on
the machine or not. If it is not the updated version then it will not allow you
to enter the application. Instead it will give you a button “Read Guidelines”
that when clicked, will give instructions to update the latest version.
vIn “Bhamashah Mobile Editing Service”, mobile OTP authentication
issue has been resolved.
vNow cash receipt will be generated In Printing Certificate Service.
vSome changes in UI have been made for convenience and easy
understanding of user.
vIssue in fetching land record details has been resolved.
vIssue in fetching BSNL details has been resolved.
vEmitra+ application can now be used on network other than RAJNET.