ई मित्र प्लस का वर्शन 3.9 का अपडेट हुआ लांच आज ही अपना ई मित्र प्लस मशीन पर सॉफ्टवेर अपडेट करे -
अपडेट करने के लिए डाउनलोड करे - डाउनलोड लिंक 1 Download Link 2
New version of Emitra+ software(BOTH RURAL & URBAN). (Version 3.9) ((Size :- 165 mb )) with AutoDeployment package.
Note :-
Emitra+ kiosk operators having E-connect machines will have to contact E-connect team to install an additional application -RD_SERVICE(SecuGen)- on their machines to use Bio-metric services.(Provided in downloaded File as well as Additional Software Package).
please run the SGIRD_WIN32_UPD1.exe after you download the the software package from it.
Case (1):- If you have already installed the software on the kiosk machine then please follow below steps:-
Step 1:- Please click on the link that is shared to you (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sJjYYDmE-wbN-OZRT0L9xQJSjlel7ykr) .
Mirror Link 1 :- (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sIA6xJhmCtDZwfWRJjKi8IsI1bDFRjNC).
Mirror Link 2 :-(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UpuJJUvGI6XiIIhFEsdwI-ONFMExxtOY)
Step 2:-A google drive window will appear with download button. Click on "download".
Step 3:-A new tab will open with (download anyway).Click on "download anyway".
Step 4:-Let it download successfully.
Step 5:- You will have "KioskAutoDeploy" in your "Downloads".
Step 6:-Right click on the " KioskAutoDeploy.rar" and choose extract to "KioskAutoDeploy .rar\ option" and setup will be extracted in the
" KioskAutoDeploy " folder in 'Downloads'
Step 7:- Go in " KioskAutoDeploy "-->click on "Kiosk.bat" file.A cmd will run and it will be running in background process as it will check the server if the new version is available or not, If available, it will automatically update the software .
You are done with the Software Updation process.
Whole Software package(Size : - 162 Mb)
Case (2):- If you have not installed any of the software on the kiosk machine then please follow below steps:-
Step 1:- Please click on the link that is shared to you (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MDbac15oO0b10zJUwfStgK9Dzz585U6x) .
Mirror Link 1 :- (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZLSX2DtNXj4fHFrvSPrnh2xF-N6fMdi0).
Mirror Link 2 :-(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1f60b0dVHsOQz_WqiIGYUv2OrxSmXk8mQ )
Step 2:-A google drive window will appear with download button. Click on "download".
Step 3:-A new tab will open with (download anyway).Click on "download anyway".
Step 4:-Let it download successfully.
Step 5:- You will have "KioskSetupv3.9.rar" in your "Downloads".
Step 6:-Right click on the "KioskSetup v3.9.rar" and choose extract to "KioskSetup v3.9.rar\ option" and setup will be extracted in the
"KioskSetup v3.9 " folder in 'Downloads'
Step 7:- Go in "KioskSetup v3.9.rar"-->click on "Kiosk.bat" file.(A cmd will run and close automatically after few seconds.)
You are done with the Software Updation process.
Thank you !!!
For installing the supporting softwares(e.g LastMilePay , RDservice & java) for Emitra+ application please refer to this link :-(https://drive.google.com/openid=1_LBUd1nrnocXJCJISeC76DqB8ioWzRKN)
Thank You !!!!!
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